Mjml gmail
Mjml gmail

mjml gmail

Node.js – For those a little more experienced with web development, you can install MJML using npm.Sublime Text Plugin – Simply highlights MJML code.


  • Visual Studio Code plugin – This plugin has all the features from the options above, including the ability to send emails with Nodemailer or Mailjet.
  • Atom Plugin – This contains a bundle of packages, which include error-spotting and a live preview feature like the MJML app.

  • Download the MJML app – you’ll be able to use it without internet access and it comes with a live preview function.
  • This is also a good option to try out MJML if you’re a beginner.
  • On the MJML website, you can code directly inside your browser.
  • You have various options available for installing and using MJML.
  • MJML is open-source, which means the wider community of MJML users can contribute to making the framework better and come up with more solutions to any updates email clients introduce.
  • This saves a whole lot of time and coding space.

    mjml gmail

    MJML combines an easy syntax with responsive behavior, which means you don’t have to risk getting lost in a maze of table nesting or implementing numerous amounts of CSS to appeal to various email clients.MJML has well-documented components that are related or identical to those in HTML, such as images and buttons, but you also have the ability to build your own components within the framework to suit your needs.MJML is quite similar to HTML and will be very easy to pick up for those already familiar with web development. If you’re worried you’ll have to learn an entirely new coding language to use MJML, don’t be. Since then, the MJML framework has become a popular tool for creating emails in an efficient and painless manner. MJML stands for Mailjet Markup Language and was originally created by a team of developers at Mailjet back in 2015 to simplify the process of designing responsive emails. This has created inconsistency across the board when it comes to rendering and less flexibility for email responsiveness, especially when creating emails from scratch.īut this is where MJML comes to the rescue. Unlike web development which has been molded over the years by standards and guidelines that are almost universally used, email development has been left to the mercy of email clients. We’ve discussed before how chaotic the world of email design can be. In this post, you’ll learn about what MJML is, how it can improve your email design processes, and you’ll even get to code your own MJML email. You may have heard of MJML before or it may be completely foreign to you, but MJML has become a staple in email development and could be the solution to many of the common email design woes you may be struggling with.

    mjml gmail

    We’ve delved into the basics of coding HTML emails from scratch and weighed the differences between web design and email design, however, now we’re going to dive even deeper into the world of email development with MJML.

    Mjml gmail